Wednesday, June 25, 2008

8 or 3: Motown

Like the previous posts on the perfect pop tune, I'm going more with an overall sound for the moment rather than particular tunes. So much great music came out of Motown that it would be impossible to choose a single song, so I give you some of my favorites. I've posted this Jackson 5 performance of "I Want You Back" elsewhere, and as far as the "perfect pop tune" goes, "ABC" would probably be a better choice. But, "I Want You Back" has one of my favorite bass tracks ever.

Bass Geek Talk: From the latest info that I've read, no one is sure who played the bass line on "I Want You Back." Carol Kaye and Bob Babbitt both take credit for it, while others swear it is James Jamerson, the Motown bass player. One problem with identifying it is that everyone was trying to play like Jamerson at the time. He lived in California where the tracks were made for this one. However, it evidently wasn't uncommon at the time to have different studio musicians come in, play some possible tracks, and then later pick the one that was "best." It's possible all three of these folks made passes at the tune.

Motown is where pop really got a groove that infected most music throughout the 60s and 70s. The 80s, in many ways, squelched the groove, but developed some interesting ideas for the time.

Since I posted the Jacksons before, I figured I'd post something else, as well. Tough decision considering Smokey Robinson, the Temptations, etc. are all responsible for some great music. But I'll go with a somewhat flawed video of Stevie Wonder. Supposedly, Mr. Wonder has perfect pitch and no sense of smell. Although I've also read that he's regained some of his sense of smell since losing it in 1973.


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