Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cop-out of Sorts

Too much drama today. This involves job and bureaucratic matters that I won't be able to mention with any confidence until Monday. Said drama could unfold into roses or rot in the soil.

Any summer projects planned? I've got too many to actually get to, but I suppose that's good in a way. I've been good about writing, meditation, workouts, and not-so-good about practicing bass or guitar.

My plans for container gardening are still plans for now, and I may begin my crash course in Mexican cuisine tomorrow. If you've ever had fresh, authentic Mexican food then you know what I'm talking about.

I have too many other plans and mentioning them would make me even more embarrassed or disappointed about the things I never get done. Although I'll mention a chapbook that I'm working on that involves 10 poems and 10 collages. Well, I hope it becomes a chapbook anyway. I'm going to try and publish it or get a grant to publish it in the format that I think will be appropriate. Also, I've been promising to record some bass tracks for a "cannibalism" project that I haven't recorded yet. I may be adding some guitar and text for the actual finished project as well. This will probably be in line with some of the low-budget DIY projects I've done in the past.

Pop Culture Cop-Out:

One of my favorite guitarists is Nels Cline. I heard him playing with Wilco today in the grocery store. Very strange, but very nice, for me. The song even had an extended solo. I've never been, and still am not, a big fan of Wilco. Most music I listen to doesn't have words, but I've always thought they were ok for what they do. The first time I found out that Cline was playing with them was when I was playing a bluegrass festival in Baton Rouge and instead of jamming with everybody on Friday night, I had to stay in and work on graduate work. I saw Arcade Fire for the first time as well (They were they only decent band on some kind of MTV up-and-coming brouhaha). Anyway, as I was diligently working through some learning psychology I switched the TV over to Austin City Limits. Immediately I was excited because I saw Nels Cline and "some other dudes" who I realized were Wilco.

He's an exciting voice and Mike Watt's Contemplating the Engine Room is my favorite album with him on it. His Andrew Hill record is a close second. Besides, how can you not enjoy someone who even attempts a tune-for-tune cover album of Coltrane's Interstellar Space?

As a little postscript, for those of you thinking about seeing The Happening because it looks like a good idea: You're right. It's a good idea, just not a good movie.

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